Make Your Own SeaFeast Saturday: An Itinerary
We’ve got a plan for you! We’re all searching for fun ways to keep these days feeling fresh when our lives look much different than they have before. So try our SeaFeast Saturday itinerary for a fun day around Bellingham Bay on our original Bellingham SeaFeast weekend! We even bolded the items you’ll need to bring with you for a great day.
11am - Park in the Boathouse Parking lot at 2600 N Harbor Loop Dr. in Squalicum Harbor, make sure you grab your rain jacket out of the car, and start your day by getting acquainted with our working waterfront with the “Name the Boat on the Bay” activity hosted by the Working Waterfront Coalition of Whatcom County. Meet at the Fishermen’s Memorial to begin your stroll along the waterfront with interpretative signs and a boat quiz at the end!
11:45am - Remaining in Squalicum Harbor, stroll down to the Sawtooth Dock (you’ll know it because of it’s jagged sawtooth-like shape where commercial fishing vessels can load and unload). It’s a working zone, but it’s open to everyone! Take a walk to the end, say hi to your local fisherman, ask where they’ve been and how their season was. See if you can remember what types of boats are tied up there from your earlier activity.
12:30pm - Pick up your pre-ordered oysters from Drayton Harbor Oyster Company at Gate 8 at Squalicum Harbor, and don’t forget your own shucking knife! Once you’ve got your oysters, go grab your favorite waterside spot at Zuanich Point Park or Waypoint Park to start shucking and slurping by the Bay.
1pm - It’s always a good idea to digest with a walk, so what better way than to assist with a beach clean-up to celebrate Whatcom Water Week! Help keep our shores clean and seafood tasty! Bringing gloves and a garbage bag will make it go smoothly.
3pm - Those oysters were delicious, but they probably didn’t fill you up all the way. Now’s a great time to swing over to see our friends at Anthony’s at Squalicum Harbor for a freshly cooked to-go meal: fish tacos, crab cakes? Say no more! YUM. Call ahead to order (360) 647-5588 and tag your meal with #SeaFeastSaturday.
3:30pm - Swing over to Bornstein Seafoods to pick-up your pre-ordered seafood. Stick that cooler in your car so you can keep your frozen seafood cold until you get home!
6pm - Thinking about even more seafood? Plot your next meal with the recipes on our blog. Can’t go wrong with local chefs and seafood experts guiding the way.
Thanks for keeping the SeaFeast spirit alive during #SeaFeastSaturday 2020!
Need to place your seafood order to pick-up on 9/19?