Feeding Whatcom County Communities
In Whatcom County over 4,000 families per week go without food
SeaFeast in partnership with PNW Plateful, with support from Lummi Nation, Alaska Gold Seafood Cooperative, Birchwood Food Desert Fighters and the East Whatcom Regional Resource Center, are coming together to launch a year-long campaign to battle food insecurity, raise awareness about our waterfront, highlight blue food benefits, and to provide nutritious meals to the county’s families in need. The meals are made and packaged by Calypso Kitchen and distributed at gatherings and events throughout the county.
What is Boat to Table?
What we do
Boat to Table serves low-income families in food-scarce neighborhoods around Whatcom County. We offer fresh seafood meals at least every quarter to alleviate hunger and food-insecurity. We are raising $60,000 to provide FREE seafood meals to those in need along with nutritional education at 4-6 events in 2024.
Who we serve
We currently offer events in the Lummi Nation community, Birchwood neighborhood, Meridian neighborhood, Cordata neighborhood and Skagit County communities.
Who we collaborate with
PNW Plateful, Calypso Kitchen, Alaska Gold Seafood Cooperative, Lummi Nation, Lummi Business Council, East Whatcom Regional Resource Center, Birchwood Food Desert Fighters, Whatcom Food Network
How we measure success
In 2023, Boat to Table served 420 seafood meals. In 2024, our goal is to serve 1,200 meals—a 185% increase from the previous year. We will also be providing cooking demonstrations, recipes, nutrition information and education, and local food security resources.
Thank you for the support from our sponsors
Mount Baker Foundation | A Project Neighborly Grant from the Whatcom Community Foundation | Alaska Gold Seafood | SaviBank | Samson Rope | Osprey Hill Farms | Essential Organics
Interested in learning more about Boat to Table?
Send us a note and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.